  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
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  • My blogging challenge

  • 活動 943
    Hi everyone, Im starting my very own daily~blogging challenge, since I havent blogged much lately I think this is a good oportunity to re-take on my blogging. I usually like to make long or super long posts but maybe I need to change that since I just cant decide on what to blog about, so, how about I just blog about random things?, about my day or the latest gossip I heard lol. As this is my 1st post of the challenge I should make a good one but today I just went to Gimpo Airport to complete the oddest job ever, picking up lauggage and drop it at a hotel… for a moment, my sis made me think I was trafficking drugs lol, but no, all I had to do was wait for the lauggage, get on a taxi, drop off everything and find my way back home \ ˚ ▽ ˚ / click to continue reading!

ソウルでの日常 ソウルで ウェブトゥーンと一緒に