  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
  • visiting seoul?


  • Thumbs Up For the First Mission of 2013!

  • 活動 924
    Thumbs Up For Seoul! I was just appointed as one of the 2013 Global Seoul-Mates by the Seoul City Government, and our first mission was just rolled out. Our mission didnt come in a video that would self-destruct in a few seconds like in the Mission Impossible movies. But its a mission just the same. Ha-ha-ha! We just had to take a photograph of our favorite spots in Seoul with our thumbs-up sign! And so, when I was in the downtown area, all I had to do was just that! So, thumbs up for my favorite tourist spots in Seoul! Although, I would have put up both thumbs, I had to hold the camera. Ha-ha-ha! Both thumbs up!

ソウルでの日常 ソウルで ウェブトゥーンと一緒に