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  • Seoul Metropolitan Government Job Opening Announcement for Temporary Public Official

  • ソウル市総合ニュース SMG 2,145

    Seoul Metropolitan Government
    Job Opening Announcement for
    Temporary Public Official

    Seoul Metropolitan Government announces an opening for a temporary public official as follows.

    6. 26, 2015

    Chairman of the HR Committee 1 of Seoul Metropolitan Government

    1. Position & No. of Openings

    Area Position/Level No.of Opening Contract Term Hiring Department Responsibilities
    Head of Operation Team, Global Center Temporary position equivalent to a regional administration official 1 2 years Multiculturalism Division, Women & Family Policy Affairs – Supervising the operation and management of facilities used to support foreign residents
    – Supervising the support programs aimed at foreign residents (start-up, trading etc)
    – Supervising the support programs aimed at cultural exchange and amenities for foreign residents

    ※The term of contract may be subject to renewal up to 5 years in total depending on job performance.

    2. Statutory Provisions

    ❍ Article 25.5 of the Local Public Officials Act

    ❍ Decree on the appointment of public officials (Presidential Decree No. 24853)

    ❍ Integrated Guideline on HR management for regional public officials

    ❍ HR Management Rule of Seoul Metropolitan Government

    3. Qualifications

      ❍ Basic Requirements (as of the date of interview)

    • – Those who are not disqualified for the reasons of disqualification under Article 31 of the Local Public Officials Act shall be eligible for the post. Also, the applicants shall not be prohibited from applying for the post according to Article 65 of the Decree on the Appointment of Local Public Officials or other pertinent decrees.

      ※ Article 31 of the Local Public Officials Act.

        Any person who falls under any of the following sub paragraphs may not be appointed as a public official:

      • 1. A person declared incompetent or quasi-incompetent;
      • 2. A person declared bankrupt and has not yet been reinstated;
      • 3. A person sentenced to punishment of imprisonment without prison labor or heavier punishment and completed the sentence of for whom five years have not passed since the final decision of exemption of from execution of such sentence;
      • 4. A person sentenced to punishment of imprisonment without prison labor or heavier punishment and for whom two years have not passed since the expiration of the period of suspension of execution;
      • 5. A person under the period of suspended sentence of a punishment heavier than imprisonment without prison labor;
      • 6. A person disqualified, or whose qualification is suspended, pursuant to a decision of a court of other Acts;
      • 6-2. A person who committed any offense prescribed by Articles 355 and 356 of the Criminal Act while in office as a public official, and is punished by a fine not less than 3 million won, and for whom two years have not passed after his/her sentence is finalized;
      • 7. A person removed from his/her office by a disciplinary action, and for whom five years have not passed thereafter;
      • 8. A person dismissed by a disciplinary action, and for whom three years have not passed thereafter.

    – No limitations on place of residence, age or gender

    ❍ Qualifications for the Position: The applicants shall satisfy the following qualifications: (as of the date of interview)

    Category Qualification Requirements
    Grade 5 Temporary Position ① A foreigner who had obtained Korean citizenship as of the date of this announcement, or a foreigner without Korean citizenship who have lived in Korea for more than 5 years with fluent Korean language skills;
    ※ For those without Korean Citizenship, they shall be able to obtain working visa such as F-2 (residency), F-5 (permanent residency) or E-7 (specific activities).
    ② Those who meet any of the following requirements;
    • – A bachelor´s degree holder of a local or overseas university with professional experiences in broadcasting, promotion, support of foreigners, consultation or cultural exchange works at public agencies, companies, organizations or foreigners’ communities for more than 5 years;
    • – A person with professional experiences in broadcasting, promotion, support of foreigners, consultation or cultural exchange works at public agencies, companies, organizations or foreigners’ communities for more than 8 years;
    • – A grade 6 public official (or higher) with professional experiences in broadcasting, promotion, support of foreigners, consultation or cultural exchange works for more than 2 years
    ※ Preference
    • – Being fluent in Korean with in-depth understanding of Korean culture is a plus.
    • – Being fluent in English with in-depth understanding of diverse cultures is a plus.
    • – Being good at establishing foreign residents’ community network with excellent communication skills is a plus.

    4. Remuneration

    ❍ The remuneration for temporary public officials shall be based on the rules specified by grade under the Wage Regulations for regional public officials, but may be adjusted through mutual consultation in consideration of the applicant’s qualification, capacity, work experience etc.

    [Annual Wage Limits for temporary public officials (pursuant to Article 34 of the Wage Regulations)] (Unit: One thousand won)

    Category Maximum Minimum
    Grade 5 (or equivalent) 52,556

    ※ Bonuses may be paid in accordance with the Wage Regulations for Regional Public Officials and Bonus Regulations for Regional Public Officials.

    5. Recruitment Examination

    ❍ Application Dates

    • – Period: 2015. 00. 00(Tue) ~ 00. 00(Fri)
    • – Method: by visit or by post (registered post)
    • ․Applications will be accepted only if they are received within the period outline above (by 18:00).
    • – Applications should be sent to: Seoul HR Development Center
    • ․Address: (Postal code 137-071) Career Employment Team, Seoul HR Development Center, 58, Nambusunhwan-ro 340-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul
    • ※ Please use the Application Package (Application Form, Resume, Self-introduction Letter etc) attached to the Announcement.
    • ※ Any application made without the Certificate Stamp of Seoul Metropolitan Government attached will be rejected.
    • ※ Applicants are responsible for not getting full consideration over their application package due to inadequate compliance with the instructions as outlined including submission by proxy or by post.

    ❍ Application Process

    Category Dates Venues
    Announcement 2015.6.26(Fri)
    Submission of application documents 2015.7.6(Mon) ~ 7.8(Wed) by visit, by post
    Announcement of the selected applicants 2015.7.22(Wed)
    Interview 2015.7.27(Mon) Seoul HR Development Center
    Announcement of the final candidate 2015.7.29(Wed)

    ※ Any changes in the application processes will be notified directly to each applicant in advance.

    A. Phase One (Documents Review & Screening): Successful candidates after screening to be notified individually and via the website of Seoul City

    • – Screening the suitability of the applicants for the position through their application packages
    • – If the number of the applicants is more than ten times the number of the opening(s), the number of the applicants who will pass Phase 1 may be more than five times the number of the opening position(s).
    • ※ Criteria for selection shall be determined and implemented by Seoul HR Development Center based on data demonstrating job relevance, work experience and performance, job-related qualification etc.

    B. Phase Two (Interview): Successful candidates to be notified individually

    • – Applicants who were successful at Phase 1 will be invited for a job interview.
    • – The applicants will be evaluated based on comprehensive work aptitude including qualifications, potential for growth, expertise and suitability to the organization etc.
    • ※ The successful applicant(s) at Phase 2 (Interview) will be registered as the final candidate(s) for the position upon approval of Seoul HR Development Center, and subject to reference check verifying whether he/she is disqualified according to Article 31 of the Local Public Officials Act.

    C. Announcement of the final candidate: Successful candidate(s) to be notified individually and via the website of Seoul City

    ※ In case the final candidate is not available for employment due to renouncement or disqualifications, another applicant who scored the second can be selected within 3 months of the final selection announcement date.

    6. Application Package

    ❍ One completed application form (Form 1)

    • – Passport-size photo (3.5 cm x 4.5cm), taken within last 6 months
    • – Application Fee: A Certificate Stamp of 10,000 won (to be purchased at Information Center on the ground floor, New Building, Seoul City Hall)
    • ※ The Certificate Stamp may be waived if you could demonstrate that you are a low income earner or a single-parent family member. (Please attach the supporting document(s) with your Application Package).

    ❍ One completed Resume (Form 2)

    • ※ Information provided on a resume must be attached with documentary evidences as work experiences without documentary evidences will not be recognized. (Please submit a copy of Certificate of Business Registration/Certificate of Incorporation of your previous employer or Certificate of National Health Insurance Subscription Status (downloadable from 「http://www.nhic.or.kr」) and etc if your previous employer is closed or you are unable to prove work experiences with a particular employer.)

    ❍ One self-introduction letter (Form 3)

    ❍ One signed consent form (Form 4) for verification of qualification

    ❍ One proposal on how to fulfill one’s duties (Form 5)

    ❍ Diploma Certificate (one original + one copy) – please submit both undergraduate and graduate certificates if applicable.

    ❍ One original copy of certificate of career (published within ___ months of the date of opening announcement for this position)

    • – Certificate of career should contain information including working period, job title, responsibilities, signature of its issuer’s name and contact information, together with a document demonstrating the legal status of the employer (e.g. Certificate of Business Registration etc.)
    • – For part-time jobs, please state the number of hours worked per week.

    ❍ One copy of Professional License pursuant to the National Technical Qualifications Act (Please present the original when you submit the Application Package.)

    ❍ One copy of Language (English) Test Result (if applicable)

    ❍ Detailed list of work experiences in the private sector; Letter of pledge to avoid Conflict of Interest

    • – All successful candidates for the positions of Grade 5 or above (or equivalent) are required to submit “Detailed list of work experiences in the private sector” and “Letter of pledge to avoid Conflict of Interest” pursuant to Article 16 of [Code of Conduct for Public Officials of Seoul Metropolitan Government], and shall be monitored for two years in their employment to see if their jobs are involved in any conflict of interest.
    • ※ These documents may be submitted for registration upon determination of the final candidate.

      ※ Documents in foreign language (diploma certificate, certificate of career etc) must be accompanied by notarized Korean translations.
      ※ Documents shall be dated after the date of the job announcement unless those documents remain valid within the effective period stated in the document, pursuant to the applicable laws (for documents with specified effective period only).

    7. Miscellaneous

    ❍ Applicants must assess for themselves before applying for the post whether he/she is suitable for this position.

    ❍ The application packages will not be returned to the applicants. If any information provided on the documents is proven to be false, even after the final selection, the selection will be nullified. If the position is withdrawn by the employer, the Certificate Stamp fee may be refunded.

    ❍ No candidate will be selected for the position if there is no suitable applicant. If any fact for disqualification is found during police check, medical check for employment, verification of diploma certification etc, the selection will be nullified.

    ❍ If an applicant violates Article 65 (Action against Wrongdoer) of the Decree on the Appointment of Local Public Officials, or involves in an attempt to manipulate the selection processes by providing false information on the job application etc, the selection processes may be suspended or become void and the selection will be nullified. In addition, he/she may be disqualified to take any employment examination defined under the same Decree or others for the appointment of public officials for the next five years following the said arrangement.

    ❍ Please do not forget to provide your E-mail address and mobile number on the form. The applicant is responsible for any errors in the application or failure to be reachable.

    ❍ From the beginning of your employment and within 3 months thereafter, you may choose to join the national unemployment insurance scheme with a competent employment security agency.

    ❍ If the number of applicants is the same as or less than the number of job openings, or none, then the announcement of such position will be repeated once or more.

    ❍ The contents of the announcement may be changed according to circumstances of the employer. Such changes will be announced at least seven days prior to the documents review on the website of Seoul City.

    ❍ Please contact the following personnel for further information:
    – Ms. Park Gyung-gil (☎ 2133-5063), Multiculturalism Division


    Application Form