  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
  • visiting seoul?


  • Seoul is…colorful!

  • 活動 959
    Being a Global Seoul-Mate, I already accomplished my first mission a while ago. But since I roam Seoul almost every week, I realized I could always do one more! So, when I looked at the fabulous view from the window of my friend Ruths home when I visited her this week, I saw from afar the colorful lanterns that adorned the Jogyesa Temple below. And an idea struck me! Hmmm….Another photo to continue the first mission! So, we went down to the Temple and I took another Seoul is… photograph. And standing there in the middle of the temple square looking up, with all the hanging lanterns above me and in their different bright colors, I was blanketed by their shadow under the high-noon sun and my eyes overwhelmed by this unique feast of colors. Seoul is indeed…colorful!

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