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  • About Seoul Friends and Seoul new Brand

  • About Seoul Friends and Seoul new Brand

  • 1,261
    I’m an Content Editor in BrazilKorea*, a brazilian website about Korea, since 2013. In october 14th I wrote an article about Seoul Friend that also aimed disseminate about the voting to elect the new Seoul’s Brand to the brazilian public. *The BrazilKorea is a brazilian website of news e entertainment in portuguese, wich goal is the spread of korean culture in Brazil. Therefore are posted daily articles about several subjects, as culture, turism, music, TV, sports and current affairs, related to Korea, besides every activities that happen in Brazil correlative to Korean culture. Nowadays we have 16 publishers, from many parts of Brazil, and we publish at least 2 articles every day plus sereval notes in our Social media, as facebook, twitter and instagram. If you want to know more about BrazilKorea, you can Access: Website: http://brazilkorea.com.br/ – 1700 entry/day Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/brazilkorea.com.br – +12.000 likes Twitter – https://twitter.com/Brazilkorea