  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
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  • ソウル市、都市農業国際カンファレンスをDDPにて開催

  • ソウル市総合ニュース SMG 736
    ソウル市は、10月13日(木)~14日(金)の2日間にわたって、世界中の都市農業専門家が参加する「2022ソウル都市農業国際カンファレンス(2022 Seoul International Conference on Urban Agriculture)」を、トンデムン(東大門)デザインプラザ(DDP)にて開催する。





    Seoul International Conference on Urban Agriculture at DDP Poster -1
    2022 Seoul International Conference on Urban Agriculture Urban Agriculture in the Age of Transition 2022.10.13 10.14 14:00-17:00 YouTube “Seoullive” Program International Conference Day 1 2022.10.13(Thur) | 14:00-17:00 Food and Urban Agriculture in the Transitional Period Key note speech: Urban Agriculture Opens the Future Session1. Food Upcycling in the Age of Climate Crisis Session2. Maximizing the Utilization of Food in the City through Urban Session3. Proposal for Intelligent Urban Agriculture: Food Time and Space Evolving International Conference Day 2 2022.10.14(Fri) | 14:00-16:30 Green Healing, Healing Urban Agriculture Session1. Agricultural appropriation for immunocompetent people Session2. Healing people, plants and the environment: healing agriculture in the city Session3. Healing Agriculture Develops Social Security: Pet Plants
    Seoul International Conference on Urban Agriculture at DDP Poster -2
    The 11th Seoul International Conference on Urban Agriculture 2022.10.13. Thur 14:00-17:00 Urban Agriculture in the Age of Transition Moderator Ga-rin Jang | Seoul City Hall’s in-house broadcasting announcer Sitting Eui-seung Kim | Seoul’s First Deputy Mayor for Administration Congratu- lations Nae-young Kang | Director of Conference Promotion Address of welcome Sook-ja Lee | Chairman of the Seoul Metropolitan Council’s Planning and Economy Committee Conference Moderator Urban Agriculture in the Age of Transition Wan-sun Kim | Professor, Univ. of Seoul Keynote Speech Urban Agriculture Opens the Future Young Gull Kwon, Chairman | Chairman of the Seoul Design Foundation Presentation Food Upcycling in the Age of Climate Crisis Turner Wyatt | Upcycled Food Association Maximizing the Utilization of Food in the City through Urban Yoshida Taro | Professor Food Time and Space Evolving: Intelligent Urban Agriculture Proposal Dae Hyun Kang | Farm8 CEO Panel Discussion
    Seoul International Conference on Urban Agriculture at DDP Poster -3
    The 11th Seoul International Conference on Urban Agriculture 2022.10.14. Fri 14:00-16:30 Urban Agriculture in the Age of Transition Conference Moderator Kwang-jin Kim | Director of Urban Agriculture Division Presentation Agricultural appropriation for immunocompetent people Pauline Neugebauer & Nicole Palmowski | Kneipp germany Healing people, plants and the environment: healing agriculture in the city Hans Pils | Founder Healing Agriculture Develops Social Security: Pet Plants Jae-Kyung Jung | Author/CEO Finale Chang-Woo Lee | Chairman of the Seoul Metropolitan Agricultural Commission Panel Discussion