  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
  • visiting seoul?


  • 2020 April (Vol.47)

  • 特別号 SMG 1,467
    I SEOUL U 2020 April No.47United We Stand: Cities Against COVID-19 In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we can rest assured that no country or city is free 
from the virus. We are all exposed to the same risk together and the only difference, 
if any, is that one may face the crisis earlier than the other. This indicates that our 
airtight cooperation and information sharing is the only option for us to take during 
this tough time.

We must not only take swift action in the battle against the worldwide spread of 
COVID-19, but also cooperate globally to tackle this easily transmissible and mutable 
virus. Particularly, it is expected that countries around the world will experience a new 
paradigm shift after COVID-19. Thus, cities’ collaboration is necessary to seek ways to 
cope with such changes.

Under these circumstances, the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) established 
a platform called Cities Against COVID-19 (CAC) where it can share information on 
the virus and disease with the international community. Seoul provides all aspects of 
its experiences, methods, and technologies to fight COVID-19 and prepared a two-way 
communication channel to share the countermeasures against COVID-19 of cities 
around the world.

The radical spread of coronavirus beyond borders must be dealt with by the combined 
effort of the international community, and cities lie at the heart of such effort and collaboration. 
Let’s stay strong and connected in our battle against coronavirus. Wonsoon Park, Mayor of Seoul English page of the SMG’s CAC website • Daily Updates: State of confirmed cases nationwide and throughout Seoul
• Countermeasures: Seoul’s preemptive responding measures (Designated screening clinic, 
   medical/disinfection services, economic support, campaigns, etc.)
• Cities Network: Two-way communication channel with sister and friendship cities
   (Q&A board, information on disinfection supplies, useful professional material board, etc.)
• News: Excellent examples of Seoul’s response to the infectious disease reported by foreign media Go to the CAC website: 
http://english.seoul.go.kr/covidCopyright ⓒ SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 홈페이지이전뉴스레터홈페이지페이스북인스타그램트위터유투브 웹마스터찾아오는길