  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
  • visiting seoul?





    Seoul is from the eyes of world

    AngeloCarlo Cativo / Philippines

    Here are the photos of me and my friends from all diff parts of the world for our first mission. They are from Russia, USA, taiwan, singapore and the Philippines. I also have pics of some filipino english teachers in korea with their students so please check it out. Its also in my twitter and tumblr

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    Seoul is beautiful!

    Daisy Larios / The United States

    I decided to hit up Line 5 of the Seoul metro and recruit some young people to help me complete the mission. I asked them how they would complete the sentence, and they responded with Seoul is...beautiful! Luckily, thats exactly how I would have responded, too!

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    吕 当当 / China


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    Seoul is…

    PhuiYee Yong / Malaysia

    Seoul is an amazing city. The richness of its culture is a major attraction. Thinking of Seoul, I would think of the countrys traditional wear - the Hanbok 한복. There are several types of Hanbok. Different types of Hanbok shows the wearer’s social status, gender, occupation and there are special Hanbok for ceremonies. Traditionally, one could figure out the wearer’s job, educational background and even whether he or she is married or not. There are Hanbok for men, women, royal court, government o

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    ミッション大公開 「Seoul is ○○○」

    sahikawa masako / Japan

    グローバルソウルメイト達にあたえられた第1回目のミッション! 韓国好きの世界各国の皆さん達だから楽しみですね♥ なんだか私だけ、ミッションの写真がでかい気もしますが笑 「Seoul is ○○○」 大公開です!

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    Seoul is Funtastic

    Faramitha Devi / Indonesia

    Seoul is Funtastic Fun and Fantastic. One of many places that is fun and fantastic place for me is Lotte World in Seoul. Because it is a complex life town with a department store, luxurious hotel and the largest indoor theme park. It is a city within a city where people can enjoy tourism, leisure activities, shopping, cultural events and sports all in one place.

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    Seoul is oo0 Eco-Friendly

    Hassan Abid / Pakistan

    Seoul city is massively big in size and population. It has won many awards. Recently, Seoul city government is focusing on eco & environmental friendly parks / transportation Systems. Notable examples are Namsan Electric Buses, CNG Buses,Green Cars Electric Vehicles Yangjaecheon stream, Seonyudo Park etc. Therefore, I would like to encourage foreigner visitors and Global Seoul-mate to look around eco-friendly version of Seoul and promote it among their peers. Thanks

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    Seoul is SHINHWA!!!

    admin /


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    Seoul is COLORFUL

    Chung Wiam / Hong Kong

    首尔伙伴第一轮任务 Seoul is COLORFUL 首尔的美食、建筑物、街道... 充满色彩!广藏市场一档档的食店;北村韩屋一幢幢的楼房;弘大街角一幅幅的街画... 看见捕捉的就是色彩!

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    Seoul is the beginning of my dream 首尔是我梦想的起跑点

    Foo Winyang / Malaysia

    对我而言,首尔代表着不一样的意义。从未自己一个人出远门,一个懵懵懂懂的少女,当年的我第一次独自踏上旅途,目标地点就是这个城市。一开始的语言陌生,让一个当时完全不懂韩语的女生感到害怕和不安。可是,很快的,这种感觉就被身边一张张亲切的笑容取代。迷路时,有亲切的阿姨带路;行李太重抬不起,有路过的大叔帮忙。即使彼此之间语言不通,却能够通过微笑传达出友善的讯息。 第一次到访首尔是2004年的事儿了。这之后,08、09、10、11甚至是今年,我每年都会回来一次。每一次回来,给人的感觉都不一样。上一次做不好的地方,这一次就会看到改进。这是一个有活力的城市,感受它每一处细微角落中的变化,自己的心也像是有了力量一样。 它给了我梦想的开始,从这里我勇敢地走出去,享受着探索世界每个角落的乐趣。每一次来到这里,跟来自不同地方的人相识,带给生活中许多珍贵的回忆。它渐渐成了我与国外朋友聚集的地方,每年的某个时候,我们都会暂时挣脱自己生活中的繁琐,到另一个城市相聚,探索世界的另一面。

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    Seoul is:energetic

    李 若炜 / China

    首尔的魅力不是用2,3个词就能形容完的,我眼中的首尔充满了活力~ 在首尔的每一天都会有新的发现。 首尔的一切都需要我们用心去感受!

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