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    「CAFE W.e. begin」でお洒落ホットクを食べる!●’v`人.o0

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    カロスキルの「CAFE W.e.」へ行きました。 お洒落なホットクを食べられるという話題のカフェです。

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    「BEANS BINS」でワッフル&パッピンス~★★

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    BEANS BINS(ビンスビンス)」は訪韓の度に行くお気に入りカフェ 7月の渡韓時には東大門doota内で・・・

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    admin /

    久々にミョンドンにあるお粥屋「味加本」に行きました。 移転してから行くのは初めて。

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    The KCC in Mexico

    Gisela Verdin / Mexico

    Yesterday my sister and I headed to the KCC in Mexico for the screening of the movie JSA, I had NO idea what this movie was about and since I didnt know if there would be many people we decided to arrive early, we got there at 5:30 and the movie was schedules at 6:00pm, turns out... the place was EMPTY.... honestly it was disapointing to find the KCC looking almos exactly the same as the last time I was there over 10 months ago : JSA is a 2000 Korean movie directed by Park Chan-Wook and its base

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    Seoul Urban Art Project

    Magdalena Bomba / Poland

    Seoul Urban Art Project is contemporary urban art movement, based in South Korea. Now it is Episode 5 : Dang Gogae / 당고개

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    New homes, old stories for Seoul Mayor

    Stephane MOT / France

    A new city hall, an old hanok, moving in, moving on.

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    Lee Ami / China

    好消息!好消息!機場地鐵直達車票優惠再延長1年唷~搭乘方式簡略介紹:從仁川機場出關之後,尋找「機場鐵路」的指示牌,要到地下一樓。搭手扶梯下樓後,左手邊就有個「機場鐵路」的指示立牌。機場地鐵的入口就是亮亮的橘色,這個 i 櫃檯提供詢問跟人工購票。其實櫃台右邊有售票機,不需要別人幫忙的話可以自己去售票機購票,有中文服務。買好票進閘門之後,一樣是搭手扶梯下樓。車廂內部,一進車廂處為行李放置處。全車都是對號座唷!不得不說這個機場快線真的很方便又很划算。從仁川機場直達首爾站只要43分鐘!不過提醒大家要考慮自己住宿的地點喔~不是所有地區都適合這樣搭車轉車唷!因為我這次是住宿在明洞的Skypark Hotel 1,從首爾站搭計程車到明洞車資約2,500W~3,000W左右,跟朋友兩個人分一分其實算便宜。如果是住在新村弘大梨大、江南、永登浦這些地方,還是搭機場巴士會比較方便的!

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    Hanok Hideaways

    Mimsie Ladner / The United States

    Samcheongdong and Bukchon Hanok Village are adjacent neighborhoods in Jongro-gu, the central district of Seoul. The former is now a trendy area of boutiques, cafes, and restaurants, while the latter is a residential area popular with tourists. These areas are best known for the traditional architecture that delineates the alleys and streets that wind through them. Many of these buildings are homes but others have been renovated and turned into businesses. Although Ive visited the areas on multip

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    admin /

    カロスキルにあるカフェ 「banana treeバナナツリー」 に行きました

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    Spotlights on the future Magok District in Gangseo-gu

    Stephane MOT / France

    The Magok-DMC-Guro triangle takes shape, the revenge of Seoul intra-muros, and a call for alleyways. By alleyways, I dont necessarily mean the last capillaries irrigating the actual Seoul Intra Muros Sadaemun, the original city surrounded by its fortress, but also the kind of inclusions that extend Seoul, the places where the city can freely and randomly stretch, grow more complex, and reach deeper, these intimate scars where your own mind cant help but wander. This so special Seoul Inter Muros.

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    Action Drawing Hero: A Spectacle of Live Art

    Mimsie Ladner / The United States

    Seoul has its fair share of non-verbal performances, and Ive been to quite a few of them. As the genre name implies, these shows have little to no dialogue and instead are based on music, dance, acrobatics, or some other type of performance art. Ive been impressed with most of them, but despite their different story lines, many of their performance elements are very similar. Last night, though, I attended one that was distinctively unique and innovative: Action- Drawing Hero, a performance of li

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    Backpack Full of School Supplies

    Mimsie Ladner / The United States

    ...Korean students are obsessed with school supplies and considering the average high school student studies for an average of 16 hours a day, Im guessing they go through a lot of them. Even in the smallest of neighborhoods, there is always at least one stationary shop that sells colorful and cute supplies from the early mornings to late at night. Said stationary and supplies arent exactly what I used growing up in the States and I was surprised by the differences as soon as I started teaching i

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