  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
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  • 2021 June (Vol.61)

  • 特別号 SMG 967
    I SEOUL U 2021 News Letter Special Issues No.61 June Achievements of Seoul Smart Mobility Expo 2021 Seoul Smart Mobility Expo (SSME) 2021 was held as a venue to introduce Seoul’s vision for the future of transportation and the innovative technologies and services of leading companies. It was successfully held for three days from June 10 to 12 at Oil Tank Culture Park in Mapo-gu, Seoul. About 40 domestic and foreign companies with world-class technology and about 10,000 people participated in various discussions and experience events.At the conference attended by domestic and foreign experts, in-depth discussions took place about various topics in the face of the rapidly changing mobility era. These topics include Seoul's vision of mobility, low-carbon urban planning through eco-friendly mobility, future transportation through Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and changes in the mobility industry due to COVID-19.In addition, the Future Mobility Experience Center was comprised of the experience spaces for urban air mobility (UAM), smart logistics, and autonomous driving, allowing about 10,000 visitors to have a chance to ride drones, operate delivery robots, and experience autonomous driving virtual reality (VR). It also held various other events for experiencing future mobility, such as an AI robot show, wearable robot as well as autonomous driving shuttle experience programs.Leading domestic and foreign companies and institutions, and 33 related experts participated in the event, forecasting the changes in the means of transportation that the 4th industrial revolution will bring, and present a blueprint for future mobility, thereby preparing a turning point for vitalizing the smart mobility industry.Mayor Oh Se-hoon stated, “Seoul will do its best to accelerate the development of the future transportation of the city by building a mobility ecosystem and infrastructure, such as urban air traffic, autonomous driving and smart logistics delivery systems, based on the successful hosting experience of the expo.”
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