  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
  • visiting seoul?


  • 2020 October (Vol.53)

  • 特別号 SMG 905
    I SEOUL U 2020 October No.53'Thank You So Much' Campaign Together with Pinkfong & Baby Shark The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) is launching its “Thank You So Much!”
 campaign for a month starting Mon, Oct. 12 to console those who are exhausted due 
to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic while thanking and cheering on its citizens for 
their active participation in overcoming COVID-19 by complying with the national and 
municipal guidelines on social distancing as well as the special disease control and 
prevention measures during Chuseok. This campaign features Pinkfong and Baby 
Shark, who were appointed as Seoul’s brand ambassadors. The campaign was planned 
by taking inspiration from the song “Thank You So Much!” made back in July, and it 
will be presented in various ways—including the display of “Thank you so much!” as 
well as installation of 3-meter-tall statues of Pinkfong and Baby Shark in Seoul Plaza, 
and exhibition of pink lights to convey the message “Let’s all cheer on!”
The campaign’s song was produced and released in late July as a remake using the 
melody of the original global hit song “Baby Shark” that features the two brand 
ambassadors of Seoul, Pinkfong and Baby Shark. The modified lyrics include a message 
of gratitude to citizens who are fighting COVID-19 by observing disinfection rules for 
disease control and prevention, such as wearing face masks and social distancing in 
everyday life. Links to video :  https://youtu.be/_6N0gN_VTNo (Seoul) https://youtu.be/vTCqoh8oc9U (Pinkfong) Seoul’s brand ambassadors Pinkfong and Baby Shark will be standing as 3-meter-tall 
statues as part of the Seoul Plaza’s I·SEOUL·U installation and the message “Thank You 
So Much for Fighting COVID-19 Together!” will be displayed in Korean on the grass lawn 
to thank those who have voluntarily followed disease control and prevention protocols 
in daily life.
In addition, parts of Seoul will be colored in warm pink lights. Following the blue light campaign
 from this past April that was held to show appreciation for health care professionals, 
this pink light campaign will show appreciation for citizens with the visually soothing color 
of Pinkfong. Five major facilities that symbolize Seoul (Seoul City Hall, Namsan Seoul Tower, 
DDP, Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, and Sebitseom Floating Island) will be lit up 
with pink lights and show messages of support starting after dark on Mon, Oct. 12.Copyright ⓒ SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 홈페이지이전뉴스레터홈페이지페이스북인스타그램트위터유투브 웹마스터찾아오는길