  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
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  • 2020 June (Vol.49)

  • 特別号 SMG 962
    I SEOUL U 2020 June No.49Seoul Successfully Hosted CAC Global Summit CAC (Cities Against Covid-19) Global Summit 2020 ended with success as the 5-day online global conference held by the Seoul Metropolitan Government to overcome the crisis caused by COVID-19 and prepare for the era of great transformation.Seoul’s Official COVID-19 WebpageGlobal Organization for Joint Response 
to Infectious Diseases Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) held an online mayoral 
meeting as part of CAC Global Summit 2020, in which mayors 
of 42 international cities participated. Mayor Park made his 
keynote speech “Seoul’ Proposal for Overcoming Urban Crises 
in the Pandemic Era” where he introduced “S-quarantine,”...Discussion on Climate & Environment Mayor Park Wonsoon, Chair Professor Choe Jae-chun of Ewha 
Womans University, and Samuel Bowles, the author of The Moral 
Economy: Why Good Incentives Are No Substitute for Good 
Citizens, on the topic of “COVID-19-caused climate change 
and major social transitions following the outbreak,” then...Conversation with Jared Diamond Mayor Park Wonsoon and Jared Diamond, the author of Guns, 
Germs, and Steel, took part in an online talk for an hour and a half 
on the topic of “The World’s Paradigm Shift After COVID-19.”Copyright ⓒ SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 홈페이지이전뉴스레터홈페이지페이스북인스타그램트위터유투브 웹마스터찾아오는길