  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
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  • 2020 December (Vol.55)

  • 特別号 SMG 1,115
    I SEOUL U 2020 December No.55The Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) has published the English version of the white paper for Cities Against COVID-19 (CAC) Global Summit 2020 on Dec. 4, 2020; CAC Global Summit is a platform through which the SMG gained solidarity and cooperation of global cities by connecting via online platform and channels. The white paper will be sent to embassies of 113 countries, 25 international organizations, and international correspondents based in Korea by mail during December. An e-book version of the white paper is also available on the SMG’s English website for the general public to access the content. CAC Global Summit 2020: Together We Stand—White Paper (English) http://english.seoul.go.kr/category/city-of-seoul-2/about-seoul/digital-archive/brochure/ CAC Global Summit 2020, hosted by the SMG, is the world’s first online international conference without an audience. It served as a way for cities to discuss strategies and visions of the post-COVID-19 era. The summit was conducted online with 156 speakers from 43  cities and livestreamed globally via YouTube over the course of five days from Jun. 1 to 5, 2020. The summit included the Mayoral Meeting with mayors of municipal governments from 42 international cities, comprising case presentations from London, Maryland, Jakarta and Moscow, and an open discussion with representatives of 16 cities that led to the adoption of the Seoul Statement. There were also discussions on climate and environment, quarantine measures, urban sharing, citizen participation, smart city, innovative companies IR, and other specialized sessions. The conversation with Jared Diamond (author of Guns, Germs, and Steel and Pulitzer Prize winner) on Jun. 4 drew a lot of attention. The video of the CAC Global Summit recorded 25,470K views on YouTube and 410K views on other social media channels, and was watched by 138M viewers from 105 countries. The event was also covered over 600 times by major news outlets and media in Korea. As the world’s first attempt of embracing all social areas and sharing the responsiveness of cities of the world, this event functioned as an opportunity for Seoul to establish a global leadership through its campaign “Seoul—A Smart City, A Safe City” and suggest directions for contact-free urban marketing in the post-COVID-19 era.The publication of the CAC Global Summit 2020 white paper is expected to be utilized globally by disseminating the SMG’s achievements for the world’s largest contact-free promotion in the post-COVID-19 era and functioning as a means to share Seoul’s measures for disease control and prevention of COVID-19.Copyright ⓒ SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NewsletterGo to homepageGo to facebookgo to instargramgo to twittergo to youtube WebmasterContact us