  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
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  • 119-Year-Old Love for Korea: Underwood Memorial Hall

  • ソウルの文化遺産 SMG 3,219

    Horace Grant Underwood (Korean name: Won Doo-woo) was the first Underwood to form a relationship with Korea. He entered Korea through Jemulpo on April 5th, 1885. After arriving in Korea as a missionary, he established the Underwood Hakdang (meaning “school” in Korean) through an orphanage project, as well as the Gyeongsin School, providing a remarkable level of education. Horace Grand Underwood contributed to Korea’s national development through his commitment to missionary, educational, and voluntary activities and by establishing churches and educational institutions in Korea with his strong determination and faith. To commemorate the Underwood and the spirit of his family, the family’s house in Yeonhui-dong home was turned into the Underwood Memorial Hall as tribute to the spirit of the founder and the dedicated efforts that the family made. Although the building originally consisted of two stories, only the first floor was restored, some of the building was destroyed during the Korean War. Inside the memorial hall, Underwood’s office has been restored to its original state based on the historical research of Dr. Won Il-han. Underwood’s actions showed his love for Korea, and that love for Korea, and Yonsei University, still live on today.
