  • ソウル市ニュースレター購読 刊行物
  • visiting seoul?


  • 2021 February (Vol.57)

  • 特別号 SMG 1,192
    I SEOUL U 2021 February No.57 Promotion of the Present and Future of Seoul Transportation in the Era of COVID-19 on the Global Stage The Seoul Metropolitan Government has been making efforts to make a safe environment for citizens to use public transportation amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, there hasn't been a single case of infection or suspended operation of public transportation in the megacity of Seoul, where the average number of daily passengers is more than 13 million.
In Transforming Transportation 2021, which was hosted by the World Bank and held under the theme of Reimagining Safe and Resilient Mobility for Recovery from Feb. 3 to Feb. 5, 2021, the Seoul Metropolitan Government promoted its successful response to COVID-19 as a solution for making a safe city in the post-COVID-19 era, and had an opportunity to seek ways to establish a safe and efficient transportation system.
The city of Seoul has effectively responded to the infectious disease through the special transport of international arrivals based on the organic cooperation of the city with autonomous districts and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the meticulous disinfection of public transportation based on strict disease control and prevention measures, and the scientific control of infections based on big data with which a concentrated epidemiological survey was conducted to separate and monitor those who contacted infectious patients and extensive testing was implemented to block the further transmission of the disease early.
Through such process, Seoul hasn't implemented any lockdown or travel restriction, and is overcoming the pandemic based on the voluntary participation of citizens, including leveled social distancing and strict mandatory mask-wearing measures. The city of Seoul emphasized mask-wearing since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, making mask-wearing a common practice. It conducted a mask-wearing campaign using all channels, including broadcasts, newspapers and social media on the web and mobile, provided the disadvantaged with free masks, and installed the vending machine that sells masks in every subway station. In May 2020, Seoul was the first in the country to make it mandatory for passengers to wear masks when using public transportation.
Moreover, as more citizens prefer contactless modes of transportation due to COVID-19, the Seoul Metropolitan Government has established bicycle lanes on major main roads to encourage the use of bicycles and signed an MOU with 16 companies of shared electric motorized scooters (e-scooters), making a legal and institutional foundation. Seoul also released My-T (mobile app) that lets users be informed of the travel routes of the confirmed cases in order to relieve the anxiety of citizens while using public transportation.
Transforming Transportation 2021 was streamed live on the World Bank website. You can watch the forum by clicking the link below:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqPyxjCgUFY&feature=emb_title Copyright ⓒ SEOUL METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 홈페이지 이전뉴스레터 홈페이지 페이스북 인스타그램 트위터 유투브 Promotion of the Present and Future of Seoul Transportation in the Era of COVID-19 on the Global Stage 유투브 웹마스터 찾아오는길